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frequently(          )questions


What does projekt do exactly?
Cool experiences for even cooler people (like you, reading this.)
Our curated events fuse various elements, including arts, visuals, design, gastronomy and most importantly, human connections all aimed to foster creativity.

Where are the events hosted?
Events can happen everywhere. We are set to be worldwide, you can check the location of an event on its description.
But... we also have our own base st
udio in Montevideo, Uruguay. (Come say hi!)

How do I attend an event?
Easy-peasy, check the events available on our website.
Explore each event's theme, location, and additional information.
Choose the event you want to attend.
Secure your spot by clicking the registration link and completing payment.
Await your personalized invitation home with further event details <3
(If your desired event fills up before you can RSVP you can choose to join t
he waitlist)

Can I work with Projekt  for my event?
Yep. We would love to!
At Projekt we creative direct commercial events + we help brands with their creative development. You have an idea? We can be your creative partner :)
Reach out to us directly on 


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